War Memorial Stats - Additional

The War Memorial statistics were last updated on 08 December 2024
Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the second weekend of each month.

If we have missed your cache out, this could be because we have not been able to automatically retrieve your listing. Please contact us to get your listing manually added to our database.

Check out the War Memorial Additional Stats below!

Some Numbers on Placed caches
Nearest War Memorial placed: War Memorial #1 ~ Sedgefield GC57XK1 United Kingdom
Furthest War Memorial placed: 582.54 km, War Memorial #525 ~ Guernsey, St Peter... GCAQ10G Guernsey
Most Northerly War Memorial placed: N 58° 58.903, War Memorial #2103 ~ Kirkwall GCAT4PV United Kingdom
Most Southerly War Memorial placed: N 49° 27.428, War Memorial #525 ~ Guernsey, St Peter... GCAQ10G Guernsey
Most Easterly War Memorial placed: E 1° 45.338, War Memorial #1742 ~ Lowestoft GC9TPM1 United Kingdom
Most Westerly War Memorial placed: W 5° 20.834, War Memorial #1979 ~ Godolphin Cross GCAJPZQ United Kingdom
War Memorial centroid: N 52° 51.932 W 1° 36.718
Youngest War Memorial placed: 17/11/2024, War Memorial #2224 ~ Upper Norwood GCB0F6K United Kingdom
Oldest War Memorial placed: 22/01/2005, War Memorial #1111 ~ Halifax Bomber MZ519 GCMJMA United Kingdom

True War Memorials by km from War Memorials #1
  Number Percent  
< 5 5 0.22 %
5 - 10 16 0.72 %
10 - 15 37 1.67 %
15 - 20 60 2.71 %
20 - 25 33 1.49 %
25 - 50 161 7.27 %
50 - 100 102 4.61 %
100 - 250 740 33.4 %
250 - 500 957 43.2 %
> 500 101 4.56 %

Average Distance: 237 km

Placed War Memorials by Type
  Number Percent  
Multi 1407 63.6 %
Traditional 349 15.7 %
Mystery 202 9.13 %
Earth 159 7.18 %
Letterbox 36 1.62 %
Event 22 0.99 %
Virtual 20 0.90 %
Wherigo 16 0.72 %

War Memorial caches by Difficulty Rating

War Memorial caches by Terrain Rating

War Memorial Cache Difficulty / Terrain Chart
Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 77 39 4 2 1 123
1.5 100 817 56 15 3 1 992
2 68 416 161 21 11 1 678
2.5 34 135 56 15 3 2 2 247
3 12 47 22 15 5 1 102
3.5 8 22 9 4 1 44
4 2 9 4 1 16
4.5 3 3 1 7
5 2 1 3
306 1485 315 72 23 4 6 1 0

44 Diff/Terr combinations placed, out of 81
196 (8.8%) placed War Memorials were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

War Memorial caches found by Found Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 621 476 369 310 301 265 295 402 231 206 286 278 287 286 316 288 230 246 267 250 257 303 250 293 327 349 306 432 371 371 256 9725
Feb 274 370 327 342 400 366 311 347 287 367 390 412 346 285 308 356 494 441 455 313 399 365 384 403 436 436 371 304 433 X X 10722
Mar 263 345 368 305 407 352 408 371 332 282 319 420 376 387 352 333 358 380 420 384 413 290 418 416 408 389 346 299 364 536 427 11468
Apr 411 455 420 364 427 492 548 453 562 499 494 390 507 493 533 522 424 463 452 539 510 506 495 453 329 357 430 459 389 393 X 13769
May 553 533 387 510 446 448 436 405 367 360 401 431 401 497 444 382 384 425 437 366 415 515 412 371 514 425 589 467 535 547 497 13900
Jun 499 538 556 443 429 469 407 457 541 337 432 471 369 362 446 425 374 409 528 442 391 424 435 424 508 460 464 401 497 447 X 13385
Jul 1150 614 590 505 502 488 520 545 552 542 588 528 461 501 486 488 457 477 428 492 588 531 522 571 557 528 498 603 646 681 878 17517
Aug 714 1001 867 948 792 831 956 742 576 636 525 524 592 593 576 522 668 554 558 776 590 609 596 497 586 703 621 673 641 595 588 20650
Sep 507 517 470 551 580 491 713 543 463 478 554 526 471 449 446 475 463 487 593 447 473 433 417 482 463 391 380 462 454 353 X 14532
Oct 423 340 358 372 367 336 411 491 499 461 485 451 498 415 418 479 490 362 385 388 353 437 512 408 405 428 484 452 476 471 358 13213
Nov 314 353 314 302 353 369 405 275 347 347 426 385 388 334 309 359 359 306 370 327 286 284 261 278 326 323 256 292 306 285 X 9839
Dec 208 216 214 239 239 240 188 238 234 208 263 213 197 237 209 242 276 210 221 238 233 256 222 246 196 307 376 430 396 452 474 8118
5937 5758 5240 5191 5243 5147 5598 5269 4991 4723 5163 5029 4893 4839 4843 4871 4977 4760 5114 4962 4908 4953 4924 4842 5055 5096 5121 5274 5508 5131 3478

366 Found Dates, out of 366 (100%)

Placed caches found by Weekday
64774 Weekend Finds (41.2%) : 92064 Weekday Finds (58.8%)

Placed caches found by Month